23. January 2024

Vetroferrite: Specialized Solution for Enhanced Performance

Topics: Composites, Vetroferrite

For applications requiring magnetic properties, Von Roll offers the Vetroferrite material class. This brand represents fiber-reinforced composites with excellent magnetic and mechanical properties, used for slot wedges in generators and motors. Vetroferrite combines the strength of fiber composites with the benefits of soft magnetic materials, creating solutions that are unique in their performance. By using magnetic slot wedges, losses in generators and motors can be significantly reduced, resulting in more available power. A positive side effect: lower losses generate less heat, which in turn positively impacts the machine’s lifespan.

Selection of Our Vetroferrite Products


Our Product


Resin Material: Epoxy

Reinforcement: Glass

Applications: Magnetic slot wedges

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Our Product


Resin Material: Epoxy

Reinforcement: Glass

Applications: Magnetic slot wedges

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